I was often asked, ‘But how do you make these tinies behave so well? How do you teach them such discipline?’
— Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind


Rewards and punishments are ... the worst enemies of the natural development of the child. The jockey gives sugar to his horse before the race, but applies spurs and the whip when there is lagging. Still, do any of these methods induce the animal to run as swiftly and as superbly as the horse of the plains?
— Dr. Maria Montessori, The San Francisco Call and Post



I have myself, sometimes, been too severe with a child.
— Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind
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Dr. Haim Ginott was the mentor of the authors of the popular discipline book, ‘How to Talk so Kids Will Listen’.

Dr. Haim Ginott was mentor to the authors of the popular discipline book, ‘How to Talk so Kids Will Listen’.


If the child is not yet master of his own actions, if he cannot obey even his own will, so much the less can he obey the will of someone else.
— Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind
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In our system we obviously have a different concept of discipline. The discipline that we are looking for is active. We do not believe that one is disciplined only when he is artificially made as silent as a mute and as motionless as a paralytic. Such a one is not disciplined but annihilated.
— Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child

Ready to get your child to listen the Montessori way — by choice?